
There Go I 

“There Go I” is a song about homelessness. The name of this song is taken from the most beautiful sentence in the English language, “There but for the grace of God go I”. It’s amazing how much you can say in nine simple words.

If not for you, Lord, there go I
Homeless, unsheltered, having no ties
Walking the street without food, without heat,
Unable to feel, unable to think.

Fortunate people are you and I
We take our lives for granted and apologize
It’s not for me to know, or to understand why
But for your grace, Lord, there go I.

There go I, Lord, there go I
Homeless, unsheltered, having no ties
Walking the streets without food, without heat
Unable to feel, unable to think.

The children of the homeless are breaking my heart
Their parents aren’t blind, they just won’t part
I wonder what it feels like to look in the eyes
The eyes of a child whose life you cannot provide.

It scares me to think it could be me
Bitter and broken with no family
Walking the streets without food, without heat
Unable to feel, unable to think.

Mark Platt  ©1991

There Go I
Sunday Morning’s For Me
More Than Meets The Eye
How Do You Make An Entrance
For Such A Time Like This
Come Into My Heart
Seven Snowbound Seekers
God Is Still Speaking
On the Wings of Resurrection
One Autumn in My Life